
From the very beginning I understood that if you start early, the less likely you are to worry about wrinkles at a young age. Prevention is indeed better than cure; therefore starting young would help me put off the effects of the advancing years for much longer. Unfortunately, I believe most people underestimate the importance of the prevention process.
Talk to any skin care specialist and they will tell you it is never too early to start following a routine that will ensure you have healthy skin well into your adult – and senior – years. Now, let me be clear here, I am not encouraging the use of heavy products and extreme clinical treatments to young girls – there are other ways for them to get used to a proper self-care routine.
But before I go on, let me tell you how it all started for me.
When I was about 22 years old I was invited to be the spokesperson for a big french cosmetic brand, and got to fly all the way to Monaco to visit the lab and the factory where all the products were made. During the lab visit I got to do all their skin tests and I saw something that scarred me to the core….
As a half Brazilian girl, I grew up loving to go to the beach and get beautiful tanned skin. By that time, as a 22 years old girl, I never thought about wrinkles or spots. On the outside I looked tanned with beautiful glowing skin, but through their special machine lenses, I saw what you can not see with the naked eyes - the under layers of my skin. That day, the specialists revealed to me how my skin actually looked like and how it would appear in many years ahead.
On the screen I saw lines, wrinkles and many dark spots specially on my forehead and cheeks. The doctors were impressed. They said that my skin condition was actually of a 32 year old woman and THAT was the turning point for me. From that point on I was determined to take better care of my skin, to nurture and protect it, not only for beauty reasons but also for healthy ones.
I've begun implementing into my daily beauty routine, essential good habits that contributed to keep my skin hydrated and protected.Some basic changes made all the difference, and I made sure to carry it throughout my 20s:
1 - Sunscreen. Everyday, every season, no matter what, I will apply sunblock on my skin. Again, this is not only for beauty purposes but also to prevent skin cancer. (I also wear all kinds of hats whenever I am in the sun and I avoid direct sun exposure as much as I can)
2 - Drink lots of water. Hydrating from within comes first
3 - Remove makeup and cleanse the skin everyday. One rule I have is to NEVER sleep with makeup on.
4 - Find the right skin products. We are all different, finding the right product for your skin is essential. You can follow trends, but make sure you find what suits your skin the best, and you will be fine!
5 - Avoid touching you face skin, especially with dirty hands
Now, in my early 30s, a lot has changed regarding my skin condition and is the time to get serious about anti-aging and start incorporating skin care essentials that target fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots and other premature signs of aging on top of my daily skin-care routine.
For these reasons, I want to highlight my favorite skin care treatments that do wonders and I strongly recommend. (As I've mentioned earlier, we all fall into different skin-types, so please seek professional guidance, to make sure these are treatments that can also improve the look and health of your skin).
PS: If you read this article all the way through the end and feel like sharing your personal skin-care secrets, please do so! I am more than eager to learn about new ways to perfect my beauty routine.
Treatments bellow: - PQAGE peeling - PRP mesotherapy - Esthetic acupuncture
PQAge peeling is the perfect deep peeling with an immediate natural - lifting glow effect. Specially created for rejuvenating the face, neck and neckline: It is suitable for wrinkles, dehydrated skin, pigmentation marks caused by sunlight, and acne/acne scars with visible improvement after the first treatment. Suitable for all skin types with no downtime, the treatment it's possible to be done in all seasons!
The effect lasts for about a month, so for glossy skin with no pores or fine wrinkles, it’s recommended to maintain a regular monthly care.
PRP mesotherapy is a simple procedure that injects PRP into the entire facial skin for a natural lift up and to minimize the dullness and sagging pores, leading to glossy and smooth pottery skin.
With the help of this treatment your skin is revived and brushed up to give a youthful impression, as your own collagen increases. Within 3 to 4 weeks you’ll feel your skin becoming even cleaner, firmer, youthful and smaller.
Strongly recommend it for those who worry about their pores and tired looking skin.
Esthetic acupuncture has the power to increase blood flow, energize metabolism, and bring about mental calm. The practice it’s so beneficial for our body and mind, that is regularly used in self-care routines.
I personally sought acupuncture for the facial cosmetic benefits, since it promotes skin circulation, lymphatic drainage, and collagen production. Eliminating the causes of skin troubles at their root lets us users obtain true inner beauty.
Esthetic acupuncture was created for when blood flow deteriorates and metabolism declines due to aging and stress, skin loses firmness and luster. Worries like sagging and dark circles around the eyes occur when the body can no longer fully exert its innate power, and luckily esthetic acupuncture is able to address the root of these problems.
Needles are placed at pressure points around the body, with concentration on the face, to energize the metabolism. In specific terms, the practice makes use of the body's own therapeutic power. Awakening to repair the damage, the skin increases in firmness and elasticity after several days, becoming supple and resilient. Moreover, the practice enhances skin elasticity by stimulating facial muscles, promising to alleviate sagging in the face and create an overall lifting effect.
There are various techniques for performing acupuncture. In some cases the needle is removed immediately after insertion, and in other cases such as the HARICCHI’s technique, the needle is left in for a while, so it can be used for applying a pulse electromagnetic wave from the tip of the needle after application. This promises greater effectiveness than regular application of needles.
What people notice immediately after a procedure is a tighter, firmer face. As esthetic acupuncture works directly on the dermal layer that produces these components and promotes metabolism, it promises an anti-aging effect.
Although needles are applied to pressure points throughout the body in acupuncture treatment, most people feel no pain. According to HARICCHI techniques the secret is to use ultra-fine needles, where their thickness is about 0.10 mm.
Are there side effects to esthetic acupuncture?
Internal bleeding is possible however is unlikely. Most of the time you can have a little bruise on the spot where the needle was inserted. Some practitioners can avoid more visible parts of the face in the application of needles; customers who are uneasy should consult freely with the practitioner, before beginning with the treatment.