
Get a glowing bronze skin
I learned very early in life that too much unprotected exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays causes skin damage and cellular changes that raise your risk for skin cancer. For a while now I haven't exposed myself to sunlight for tanning. Indoors or outdoors, I’m always wearing SPF, but as a girl who was born in Brazil, I still think a nice bronzed skin is beautiful and sexy.
So to get some glowing tanned skin I decided to try self tanners and I have to say that I am very satisfied with the results. I usually use it once every 15 days during summer time, before an event or a shoot to give a summer feeling and trust me, it looks as good as a natural tan! Here is a bit of my experience, best application tips, and product recommendations.
Rules of self tanners for beginners:
1- Always begin with a lighter shade one for a first trial.
2- As most skin products recommend - try on your forearm first and wait until the next day before applying on your face and the rest of your body to avoid allergy reactions.
3- It takes 8 hours to fully develop your tan, so go gentle in the amount of product you use. You will not see the results right away.
4- A smart skin prep is crucial! To avoid darker patches that look unnatural exfoliate and hydrate your skin well before applying any self tanner.
5- Don't forget to wear gloves to protect your nails and your palms, and always apply in your bathroom. Self-tanners can easily stain everything around you.
6- Best to use it at night, let it dry well before dressing up and take a shower (not hot) in the morning to eliminate product excesses. WATCH OUT: use an old towel as some of the product will come off.
7- Mistakes can be removed or if you feel your skin is getting patched, all you need to do is to exfoliate your skin in circular motions on wet skin in the shower to help lift the color.
8- When applying it, do it by body sessions, making sure the product is evenly spread and dried before moving to the next part.
My top 3 brands:
1- Tan Luxe:
What I love about this product is that you can mix the drops with your moisturizer and put as much as you want, according to how tan you want to be. They also have many other products to prepare the skin and keep your tan lasting longer!
-> For face: https://tan-luxe.com/the-store/the-face-anti-age/
My how to use trick:
First put a pea size of your usual moisturizer in your palm and mix five drops of the self-tanner with it. After that apply it thoroughly over each session of your body, letting the skin absorb. Make sure you don't miss any spots! Then I like to apply one more moisturizer layer without any self tanner and let it dry very well :)
2- Dior bronze:
Not available to buy in Japan but try on other websites, this one is the most gentle and the easiest to apply. With a water like texture, I apply it after moisturizing and the tan gradually appears. *This is not a good everyday option, 2 times a week will do the trick.
3- Loving Tan:
This is a super user-friendly one. Easy to apply and easy to control because of its foam texture. A mit applicator is a must buy, it makes it easier to apply evenly all over your body . The result is almost instant, but again, be gentle in the amount you apply, as your tan will fully develop within 8 hours! Unfortunately, this product tends to dry the skin, so you must be on top of your moisturizing game more than usual.
Mit to apply:
Happy Tanning!
I hope my experience and tips can help you achieve a flawless golden finish on your first time self-tanning :)